Looking for inspiration for your next project? Try one of these Farrow & Ball color schemes to pair with your wallpaper selection:
Chromatic Stripe BP 4201
Pair with: All White, Dimpse, Pavilion Gray, Down Pipe
Chromatic Stripe BP 4202
Pair with: Shaded White, Ammonite, Down Pipe, Chappell Green
Chromatic Stripe BP 4203
Ammonite, Cornforth White, Purbeck Stone, Mole's Breath
Chromatic Stripe BP 4204
Pair with: Skimming Stone, Strong White, Elephant's Breath, London Clay
Chromatic Stripe BP 4205
Pair with: Wimborne White, Dimpse, Railings, St. Giles Blue
Ground and print colors are intended as guidance only, not as an exact match for colors in our palette