Looking for inspiration for your next project? Try one of these Farrow & Ball color schemes to pair with your wallpaper selection:
Brockhampton Star BP 506
Ground color: Pointing No.2003
Print color: bespoke gold
Pair with: White Tie, Matchstick
Brockhampton Star BP 515
Ground color: Savage Ground No.213
Print color: bespoke gold
Pair with: White Tie, Matchstick, New White
Brockhampton Star BP 520
Ground color: bespoke
Print color: All White No.2005
Pair with: Slipper Satin, Light Gray, Mouse's Back
Brockhampton Star BP 532
Ground color: bespoke
Print color: bespoke gold
Pair With: Book Room Red, Joa's White, Dimity
Brockhampton Star BP 546
Ground color: Suffield Green No.77
Print color: bespoke gold
Pair with: Lime White, Old, White, Calke Green
Ground and print colors are intended as guidance only, not as an exact match for colors in our palette